Donate Today

The community and the Ray of Hope Soup Kitchen needs your help to continue operating, we encourage you to donate or get in touch with us!

Our Community

The Kitchen has been an integral part of our community since 1984. It serves a need in our community not being filled by any level of government and is now considered an “essential service”.

At the same time, we could not operate without the continuous support of the greater Moncton community. Whether it is volunteer hours, donated goods or services or financial support, our community support has been unwavering and has been essential to keep our doors open.

Over the years we have been supported by hundreds of private individuals, service groups, for-profit organizations and not-for-profit organizations, many of whom have been here for us for over 20 years! Some of our major non-private donors are shown below.

We also had many private donors who have supported us with whatever they can, year after year.

Corporate Sponsors